Drearyweather - something similar happened to me. When they really have nothing on you they actually leave you alone. If you are questioning their doctrine from a scriptural point of view they become toothless and seek to avoid you. They ignore you up to a point.
Yes there were personal reasons this why this one chose not to go until this point. And yes of course, in reality this one will leave them, not the other way around. FYI the person has influence locally, is much loved and deeply respected.
Because it is recognised that elders have not framed policies, kindness has been extended to them. We know they have their apostate rifles out. As usual they are aiming at their own heads. Kind encouragement has been given not to pull the trigger but, I bet you one red Smartie they pull it.
Balaammsass2 - yes locally using that logic someone has even come up with the 3 witness rule. Leave it long enough maybe they'll have a 144k witness rule.
Overrate - this person is not afraid of what these sad, misguided men are going to do. They are pitiable but they are behaving outrageously. This one tried to help them as a shepherd tries to help a lost sheep. Truely Christian and moved by profound concern for their well being. All to no avail at the moment.